Month: January 2020

Nepal – Our First International Adventure                 – Part 1 of 2

Nepal – Our First International Adventure – Part 1 of 2

We were all of 26 at that time. The travel bug had hit my husband a few years back when he started exploring local places on his motorcycle. And some of that was also rubbing off on me. There was something about it which made 

Shrimp and Veggie Bisque

Shrimp and Veggie Bisque

Bisque is a classic entree of French origin. It’s a thick creamy, smooth and flavorful soup based on a broth from hard-shelled sea creatures by simmering with aromatics to create a deeply flavored stock, then strained out, simmered again and pureed. Usually Lobster Bisque is 

The Other Side of Florida –                                                  Pensacola vs Destin vs Panama City

The Other Side of Florida – Pensacola vs Destin vs Panama City

Would you believe it? I have taken multiple leisure trips down to Florida over the last few years, but haven’t been to Miami. For that matter, I haven’t been to any Florida beach towns on the Atlantic coast. This was not a conscious decision, rather 

Striped Bass Fish in Bengali style curry

Striped Bass Fish in Bengali style curry

Fish curry sounds like home to most Bengalis. My mother was very much of an ‘Edeshi’ girl who got married into a typical ‘Bangal’ household. Well, ‘Edeshi’ or ‘Ghoti’ means people originating from the western part of Bengal (West Bengal), ‘Bangals’ being the ones from 

Korean Radish Kimchi

Korean Radish Kimchi

My friend Jiniee Hong is a very adorable person, mother of three teenagers, but still looks like a young girl. Yes, you guessed it right, she is from South Korea. The secret to her beauty is not only her genes & probiotic korean diet but 

Vegetable Clear Soup & Vegetable Stirfry

Vegetable Clear Soup & Vegetable Stirfry

Complex flavors and dishes sure taste great most of the time. However there are some times when we really want to simplify things. Flavor wise and preparation wise. A different interpretation of comfort food. Comfort in both preparing it and having it too! Here is 

Kheer er Malpoa/ Mawa Malpuaa

Kheer er Malpoa/ Mawa Malpuaa

In context of cooking, I find there is almost an unwritten rule – “Experience breeds expertise”. From that perspective, I always look forward to learning new recipes, cooking styles and the like from people who have extensive experience in the art of cooking. Not to